Day 3: Decide on one positive habit you’d like to implement in your life. Whether seemingly mundane (like flossing) or perhaps life-altering (exercising every day), think of something you’d like to add to your life that will be beneficial. Then, think about the steps you’ll take to get there, and how you’ll keep yourself accountable

I’ve been putting off this entry for two weeks now because I couldn’t think of a habit that I wanted to implement. After reading back over my goals for the year, I realized that I could start lifting weights to help reach my goal of doing 50 push-ups in a minute.

I have decided that I will start lifting weights at least three times per week. I have found some simple free weight lifts that I can do and saved them in Evernote. With it in Evernote, I won’t need a signal to download the webpage again. I have started tracking this habit with Beeminder to have accountability. I think that this habit will be good for me. I will implement this habit.