Day 9: On this day, simply write about your day. This may seem especially boring, but write out the events of your day. What time you woke up, what you had for breakfast, what your commute was like, what you did during at work, how you spent your evening. If you’re journaling in the mornings, write about the previous day. The beauty of this exercise is that you may discover something that you hadn’t realized. Maybe you weren’t very productive at work, and reflecting on it can allow you to analyze why. Perhaps you finished a big project on the house when you got home; you can think about what motivated you, how it made you feel to finish something big, etc. Don’t discount the seemingly simple task of writing about your day.

Since I’m writing this in the relative morning on 15 April, I’m going to journal about 14 April.

I almost woke up early. I remember picking up my cell phone to check the time at 0500. I dozed for around 45 minutes until my wrist started vibrating to wake me up. I love having my FitBit wake me rather than a traditional alarm distrubing Hilary. As is my usual ritual, I picked up my phone and started reading news on Reddit and looking through pictures on Imgur until 0600 when I dragged myself out of bed for a shower. This particular morning, I decided to try a new shaving ritual. On Saturday, I bought some Art of Shaving Pre-shave Oil so I added that to my line-up and decided to shave at the sink. Overall, I found that adding the pre-shave oil to be thick. Between it and my psot-shave lotion, my skin feels really oily. It did give me a good shave though.

I finally made it to work right at 0730. I had a few tasks on my to-do list but since they totalled three, I decided to stretch them over a few days. When I first arrived at work, I checked the news on Hacker News and TechMeme. I read a few articles before deciding to work some.

For tracking my work tasks, I setup a notebook in Onenote. I’m using GTD with it. I have four sections grouped under GTD: Inbox, To-do, Waiting, Done. Each new task goes into new page in the Inbox section. I then prioritize tasks and move them to To-do which is sorted by priority. If I’m waiting on something in order to accomplish a task, it goes to the Waiting secition. Once done, I move tasks to the Done section. I also have a separate section, outside of the GTD sections, specifically for visitors or phonecalls so that I can catalog them and route them to the appropriate person.

Today, I was given another task in the morning of picking up MSgt Koonce’s and SSgt Harden’s picture frames for the ALS hallway. Once I was done with my morning news reading, I called over to the Arts and Crafts center to make sure they were open and get the details about picking them up. Since everything seemed to be in order, TSgt Dearinger and I located the receipt for the frames and I drove over to pick them up.

They located the order but said that ALS had failed to pay for the etching on the class, in this case two Air Force symbols per pane of glass. Since I lacked the autority to give any payment, I made up my mind to head back to the building and report my findings. As I was walking out the door though, I noticed that I had a receipt in my hand saying that ALS did pay for etched glass. I went back in. Upon seeing the receipt and confering with the manager, I was given the frames. The Arts and Crafts employee told me that ALS was undercharged by $24 but because it was the A&C’s mistake, they would let it slide this time. Triumphantly returning, I mounted the new frames on the wall in their places of honor.

Upon finishing my task for the day, I was back to filling my time with internet activities until lunch.

Once lunchtime was upon the school, I decided to pay Hilary a visit so that I could see her for the day since she wouldn’t be getting off until 2100. I also wanted to change from Blue into PT gear since it was quite warm, around 80F. She was thrilled to see me and we chatted some before I headed off to try and accomplish a personal errand. I went the long way around to Military Clothing since I’ve recived three new ribbons in as many weeks. Lo and behold, they are open six days a week and Monday is the day they are closed. Curses. I turned around and drove back to the school house to eat some lunch.

After eating, I responded to an email requesting more information for my clearance and fielded a phonecall from an investigator working on Cypert’s investigation. I filled the rest of my day with internet nonesense until PT.

PT was uneventful and an ok workout. TSgt Dearinger introduced me to the students so that they knew what I was doing hanging around the school house.

I headed home after PT and took a quick shower. Before my shower, I figured out how to unlock the thermostat and adjusted the A/C settings. After my shower, I booted my desktop (TheProfessor) and set about organizing my TV library which was looking prettty bad. It was showing that Game of Thrones was Transformers. I worked on updating the metadata and renaming shows until around 2000 when I realized that I needed to eat some food. I made (relativly fresh) spaghetti with meat sauce. I’ve never had non-dried spaghetti so it was a new experience. It definitly tastes different. I want to try it again before deciding if I like it or not. Hilary was going to be getting off soon so I watched some Adventure Time while eating and se off to pick her up.

I opened the door to head out and a letter fluttered to the ground addressed to our apartment. It was from Flats170 asking that we declutter our deck.

When we returned home, we chatted some while she ate and then I went to bed.